# 2. Why People Fail in Life!

How would you advise the mother cat to get her kittens up the slide? If you were her in this dilemma what would you suggest? It is paramount that you do not throw the baby out with the bath water. It is psychological crucial that you have stability in your life’s pilgrimage or insanity issues may arise.  When a new situation arises is your first response: “What did I do last time?”

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# 1. Stress Management!

There are many wonders on the internet today that in the early 20th century would have seen impossible:  Voyage to Mars in the field of space travel and or a Process for Identifying and Assessing a person’s behaviors in seconds in the field of communication.

The one-of-a-kind, incredible Winning Colors® Whole Person Behavioral Identification Process takes seconds to identify the preeminent behaviors to bring up for success in a relationship or situation vs. hours using  20th century Type Casting assessments. Continue reading →